30 April 2013

What God Will Judge

The next stop in this study of the Judgment Seat of Christ is 1 Corinthians 3.  Here the phrase is not mentioned, but the event is described in greater detail.  This passage will form the basis for a deeper consideration of three points relating to this judgment:

1.  What God Will Judge
2.  How God Will Judge
3.  The Outcomes of this Judgment

11 April 2013

Accepted of Him -- Part 2

Lessons learned from 2 Corinthians 5 regarding the judgment seat of Christ:

1.     We know, we have absolute confidence that we are on our way to heaven (vv. 1, 6, 8).
2.     So we’re laboring, not to get saved, but to live acceptably before the one who saved us (v. 9).
3.     This will only be possible if we walk by faith, believing the word of God (v. 7).
4.     Whether or not our works were acceptable to God will be revealed at the judgment seat of Christ (v. 10), where we will be rewarded or suffer loss, accordingly.

One more point to make from this chapter.  The very next verse (11) says:

Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.