27 August 2010

Islam in the News

Ground Zero Mosque…

NYC Muslim Cabbie Stabbed…

NYC Drunk Urinates on Prayer Rugs…

FL Church to Burn Korans…

You’ve probably seen the headlines from the past week or so. I’d just like to pass along a couple of personal observations.

First of all, let’s dispense with the obvious. I am against the building of a mosque at the Ground Zero site. I am against stabbing people. I am against drinking. I am against answering the call of nature anywhere but the appropriate places (the restroom or the woods). Burning Korans doesn’t really hurt my feelings, but it doesn’t necessarily accomplish anything, either.

What angers me is the increasing acceptance of the Islamic religion in our nation. The politicians, the pundits, and most of the preachers all want us to pity the poor Muslims, who are suffering an “explosion” of “hate crimes” against them.

Again, I’m not for anything that has happened in any of those headlines, but do you really think that cabbie was the only guy stabbed in NYC this week? Do you really think that was the only drunk in NYC that did something stupid this week? Do you really think a country book burn is worthy of global attention?

Let’s try to put this in perspective. The MSNBC article on the drunk begins with the line, “In the latest in a spate of anti-Muslim incidents over the last two days…” Really. A spate of incidents? You mean three news items, one of which involves violence? That’s what you’re calling “a crisis level of crimes against Muslims?” “A disturbing trend that will only continue to grow?”

Compare that to the “Ramadan Scorecard.” On the 16th day of Islam’s holy fast, the religion of peace has carried out 103 terror attacks worldwide and accumulated 472 dead bodies. Why haven’t those numbers made internet headlines? One reason and one reason only. They don’t fit the agenda being pushed on and accepted by the people of this country.

Again, a man in FL plans to burn the Koran. The headline claims this “Adds to Tensions.” Would somebody please remind me what started those tensions? Wasn’t it burning – not books – but buildings and the almost 3,000 people inside. Some misguided Muslims (those who actually believe and follow the Koran) burn buildings and bodies. A misguided preacher (who mistakes political activism for serving God) plans to burn some books. Muslims aren’t dangerous. Christians are. The scary thing is that the majority of the people in this country actually buy into that.

Now, let’s put this in a Biblical perspective. I am a Bible-believing Christian, living in America, watching my nation kowtow to a religion intent on taking it over. What is my response?

1. I should check my heart and make sure I am just as angered over the fact that the nation has rejected the true God as I am about the fact that it is embracing Islam. I should be just as angry about the drunkenness, immorality, and idolatry that has crippled this nation as I am about the religion it is accepting with open arms. Right?

2. I should remember that I’m part of the kingdom of God, not the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said in John 18:36, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. One day, Jesus will physical destroy all of His enemies. But His servants now are engaged in a far different fight. We are to earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 1:3). Not the country. Not the land. Not conservative values. The faith. The souls of lost men and women. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

So my course of action as a Bible-believing Christian does not involve protesting a mosque, stabbing a cab driver, desecrating a false house of worship, or holding a bonfire. My calling as an ambassador of God (2 Corinthians 5:20) is to preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). My duty is to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). The truth is that Mohammed will send you to hell just as quick as Buddha or Confucius or the pope or Joel Osteen. Jesus Christ is the only who can forgive man’s sins and save man’s soul (John 14:6), by grace through faith in His finished work (Ephesians 2:8-9). Amen.

Let’s be busy about our Father’s business (Luke 2:49), while we still can (John 9:4).


  1. Great post. Our only hope is in the LORD.

  2. Bro. David
    Thank you for taking time to blog,I enjoy hearing a voice of reason. BBC has been a wonderful find for me. BBC has challenged me to get out and share my Faith and Gods love. Through the preached Word so freely shared on your site. I was Blessed to be able to visit in July 2010. A trip we had hoped someday to make. Having over 100 plus Sermons of Bro. James and Bro. David on my ipod, My expectations were very high for the service. THEY WERE MET AND EXCEEDED. The Lord is doing a great work through BBC and I'm watching from a far(477 miles) With hopes of outreaching to my City, County, and State. The way I have seen BBC do. Pray for me That I will be used by His Grace and for His Glory.

  3. Bro David,
    Overall that was a great post. Thanks for the blog and thanks for everything you do! You guys are doing a great work in this world and my family hopes to visit your church again.

    I know that Knox has not preached on the New World Order (at least that can be accessed online) or anything of that nature in ten or more years. You guys should not slack on that research!!! I recommend going to YouTube and typing in "WTC7" and watching the videos on Trade Tower 7. Explain how that tower fell.

    Muslims are my spiritual enemy. However, they are not responsible for 9/11. The War on Terror is a war on the American people. 9/11 has been used to spy on all of us, even going so far as looking at us naked with new airport scanners (Why is it only Muslims object to this? And not "modest" Christians?) Please look into 9/11. I do not know a single person who has researched it and actually believes that Muslim cave-dwellers carried out the attacks.

    Love you brother.

  4. Matty >> Thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoy the posts. Just a quick response as to why we tend to stay away from NWO, Illuminati, conspiracy theories, etc. Regardless of whether or not those things are true, there are enough things competing with the word of God for the interest of God's people. It's so easy to get caught up in that kind of thing to the extent that it takes your mind and heart off of what it ought to be focused on. Learning God's word and ministering God's truth to others. Lord bless!
