Jeremiah 12:1 Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?
An interesting verse to introduce the 12th chapter of Jeremiah. The prophet is basically going to the Lord and saying, "God, I know you never make a mistake, but there's something I've got to talk to you about…"
On the surface that might not seem like a right and proper way to approach the Lord, but I would contend that I believe our God would have us be totally and completely honest in our prayer life. Are we not instructed to pour out our hearts before Him (Psalm 62:8)? Is He not already aware of our thoughts and our hearts (Jeremiah 17:10)? So why is it that we hold back our worries and fears and problems and concerns when He already knows all about them?
I believe Jeremiah's example would be a good one for us to follow. If there is something going on in your life, and you don't understand why God's allowing it to happen, then tell Him about it. Don't demand that He does something different (Jeremiah 12:1) but honestly and respectfully let Him know how you feel.
Do you ever get mad at God or mad at His people? Sure you do. Well, tell God about it. If that's a shocking statement, then ask yourself who else are you going to tell and what good is it going to do you? Don't accuse the Lord of wrongdoing (Jeremiah 12:1), but openly and honestly pour out your heart before Him.
Now, I know that the Bible says we are to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and that men ought always to pray and not to faint (Luke 18:1) and that we should continue instant in prayer (Romans 12:12; Colossians 4:2). And I know that God hears our prayers and has promised that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16) and that whatsoever things we shall ask in prayer believing we shall receive (Matthew 21:22). But I also know that God does not force His will on anybody.
So to tell the truth, I don't understand how prayer works, but I do believe God enough to be obedient to what He has told me to do, and I'm OK with leaving the results up to Him. What I do know from personal experience – and that of other Christians – is that going to God with a problem or a situation or a request or an urgent plea, regardless of whether or not it has any effect on what's going on, somehow it sure helps me to get my heart in the right place.
So going to God might not always change your situation the way you'd want it to, but there's something to be said for casting your burden upon the Lord and tapping into His sustaining grace (Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7).
Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep YOUR hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Thank you for posting. I always enjoy your Bible lessons, but this one really spoke to my heart. God knew I was going read this and that I needed to hear it at this very moment.
I am an old man, I have heard alot of prayers from different people. Some I thought were being honest with God and some I thought were trying to pull God's leg. They might of fooled man but I believe God was shaking His head at their effort. Honesty is STILL the best policy!!! desertfox13
ReplyDeleteBrother Brown
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying these very much, glad I subscribed, nice to have these in my "inbox". This one was especially helpful; I had done this sort of praying just yesterday and I was blessed to read about it today! Thanks for helping me to "Press Toward the Mark" LJ