29 December 2009

The Truth of Creation

An excerpt from an article by the late Dr. Henry Morris that appeared in ICR's January Acts & Facts magazine. Solid, simple, IMPORTANT truth.

The Truth of Creation

The conflict between creation and evolution is not merely an argument between two scientific theories of origins. It is a conflict between the only two basic worldviews of life and meaning – one centered in God and His purposed for the world, the other centered around man and his own personal and societal goals. Evolutionism is a naturalistic philosophy of life and meaning, with human beings regarded as the highest achievement of billions of years of evolutionary development of all things by natural processes. Creationism, on the other hand, assumes that all the basic systems in nature were created supernaturally by God. Each theory is thus precisely the opposite of the other. The question is: Which theory is true and which is false?

Three Basic Tests

There are three basic tests by which the two theories can be compared – the scientific test, the “fruit test,” and the biblical test.

As far as science is concerned, the scientific evidence is precisely what would be predicted from creationism. There is no known case of macroevolution (from one distinct “kind” of organism to another) in all the thousands of years of recorded history. Secondly, in the fossil record of the past, there is no known transitional series of fossils from one kind to another among all the billions of known non-transitional fossils. Finally, the universal scientific law of entropy specifies the “downward” tendency of all things toward decrease of organized complexity. Thus, all the real scientific evidence (as distinct from similarities and other circumstantial evidences) strongly favors creation over evolution.

Consider also the fruit test. Jesus said, “By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:20). The fruits of evolution include atheism, communism, fascism, and all kind of harmful behavior and evil philosophy, but not one good fruit in the form of real scientific advance in either living standards or altruistic behavior. Belief in primeval supernatural creation, on the other hand, was the motivating conviction of practically all the founding fathers of modern science, of the American nation, and of the original education system of this country. All the basic doctrines of Christianity are founded on the truth of primeval special creation. Creationism certainly scores much higher than evolutionism on the fruit test.

Finally, there is not a hint anywhere in Scripture of evolution or the long ages necessary for evolution. On the other hand, the very first chapter of the bible teaches the special creation of the space/mass/time universe and everything in it. This teaching is emphasized all through the Bible…

Click here to read the entire article “Reflections On a Legacy.”


  1. "The conflict between creation and evolution is not merely an argument between two scientific theories of origins"

    Um, no, it certainly isn;t one of those, since creationism is not a scientific theory in any sense.

  2. Supported by all observations, highly predictive and internally consistent: in short, extremely robust (perhaps the most robust theory in our toolkit). It satisfies all criteria of a successful scientific theory.

  3. Evolution is dumb. Boring, depressing, & doesn't make sense.

    My wife had an old school mate who recently died, who was an outspoken Evolutionist. Man, the funeral was soooooo depressing, we left after getting smacked for bringing up Jesus.

  4. What does evolutionary theory have to do with Jesus, anyway?

  5. If evolution was true wouldn't the chimps be turning into humans? The bible is the word of God it tells of all the blessings he has given mankind and one day he will come back for all those who are saved and bring them to heaven and I would strongly recommend that you learn of his word and trust him as your savior so you can go to heaven as well.

  6. What observations can be cited in support of the idea of one species evolving into another? How can it qualify as the most robust theory in your toolkit (whatever that means) when it defies the first and second LAWS of thermodynamics?

    Evolution is NOT science. It is a religious BELIEF. And it has everything to do with Jesus. He is the Creator (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16-17; Ephesians 3:9), and He testified to the truth of creation (Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6).

  7. See talk.origins for a list of observed speciation events. And evolution certainly does not contradict the second law (hint: there is an outside energy source). And what does the first law have to do with it (hint: energy is conserved throughout)? Where did you study thermodynamics again (hint: mine wew read at UC Berkeley, and later, at Cambridge UK).

    And, of course, evolution has nothing to do with Jesus: many biologists I know are Christian.

  8. Oh, and forgive me: you can't have it both ways. Either religious beliefs are good or not. Funny, how you defend your beliefs claiming some exempt status for religion and yet attack evolution by claiming it is a religion as well.

    A bit of education won't hurt.

  9. And to anonymous: no, they wouldn't. They'd be turning into something else, perhaps (and there are some indications they may be). In any case, I recommend reading a good introductory textbook on biology so you would know better than to make silly statements like that.
